Monday, July 15, 2013

The Trayvon Travesty

There's been a lot of Facebook posts that I've seen recently. A lot of said posts are from my African American friends, and friends on the far left of the political spectrum. Mostly, there are two types of people that post about the Martin/Zimmerman confrontation. They do have one thing in common: They made up their mind before any evidence was brought to light.  The two groups are (A)People who have made up their mind that Zimmerman is guilty and racist (B)People who made up their mind that Zimmerman was defending himself.

Most of the people on the left come up with answer A. They'll never admit to it, but that's just the way they think. I don't have a problem with them feeling that there is racism in America (although I believe it to be entirely unfounded).  What I have a problem with is the outcomes of the trial. They had it all worked out before the verdict, and neither one is right in my opinion. 

If the verdict came out that Zimmerman was guilty, they would be validated by the state in that the case PROVES that there is racism in America. 

If the verdict came out that Zimmerman was innocent (as he was proven to be by a jury), the left would be in an uproar because it proves that the Justice system is racist, and therefore America is racist. All of the 6 jurors were racist. The judge is racist. The defense and prosecution is racist.

What does either do? Does it solve any problems? NO.

Now, those on the Right. Those on the right are just as guilty as those on the left at making up their mind beforehand. Many gun advocates on the right (I am one of them), say that they think Zimmerman is innocent simply because he was a concealed weapons permit holder. What a stupid response! I thought he was innocent simply because of some of the facts that I had seen. Did I have all of the facts, no.

What does the reaction of the right look like?

Innocent: See, we told you, it was self defense.  It had nothing to do with race, nothing to do with stand your ground. It had everything to do with being beaten to near death. Nothing to do with gun rights.

Guilty: Zimmerman was convicted by the media.

I find it interesting some of the faux anger of the right that if people are so upset about Trayvon, why are they not upset about Chris Stephens, hundreds of black on white crime. That is not an appropriate response. It is not appropriate because they don't give attention to the many other murders that happen around the globe.

There is a deeper problem in America. We lack respect for life. This young boy died and those on the left sought political advantage. Those on the right dismissed it as just another death.

Shame on Trayvon's parents, who have made millions in marketing his name. It wasn't but several hours after his death that his mother started marketing his name. When your boy dies, you shouldn't be seeing dollar symbols.

Let's just call the Martin/Zimmerman story what it is: Sad. That's it, end of story. Zimmerman was proven innocent. He was shown not to be racially profiling Martin. This was not a hate crime. It was just a big misunderstanding that led to that young boy being shot.

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